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Goal #1

Goal #1: Enhance emergency preparedness, minimizing the impact of incidents, and ensuring rapid and effective action in times of crisis to safeguard lives and property with fire and rescue response, mitigation, and recovery in a timely and efficient manner to the community and the citizens at large.


Objective 1.1: Maintain a fleet of apparatus and associated equipment in a state of readiness for fire suppression.

Performance Measure 1.1.A: Perform annual pump testing on all assigned fire apparatus to ensure that the first responding units are 100% capable.

Performance Measure 1.1.B: Perform annual hose, nozzle, and appliance testing on all fire suppression equipment to ensure 100% compliance per CHFROG 8-3.


Objective 1.2: Maintain testing on all assigned public hydrants within District boundaries to ensure adequate flow.

Performance Measure 1.2.A: Test and maintain annually 90% of the assigned public hydrants for adequate flow and pressure within the District boundaries per CHFROG 7.


Objective 1.3: Maintain a well-trained operational workforce for service delivery.

Performance Measure 1.3.A: Maintain at least 90% of annual mandated training hours (150) from the rank of operational Captain and below.